Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

We're going to be playing games tonite to ring in the New Year. We'll see if we make it or not! We will be reading our blessing jar and writing in our resolution book too.

Here are some of the blessings we are thankful for this past year:

(In no particular order)

Our library
our beds
our apple tree
our couches
our books
Starlight Starbright Foundation
dad's job at the YMCA
a playground
that God help me coach (jmc)
play days with friends
I don't have to stay in the hospital (jmc)
dad being saved from the tree
the white truck
a job for dad
being able to go to family camp
Boyscouts paying to fix the van
my mom
my dad
my bongo drum
Food & Water miracle in Mexico
God gave us a good church
God gave us a good President
God gave us free icecream and a cheap camp site
God helped me get through my operation (jmc)
God helped me get my bandages off (jmc)
family camping in Centralia
Our trip To Georgia!

My FIAR friends have been thinking about a word for 2008. My word is Anticipation.
I want to look at each and every thing that comes in to my life and anticipate how it can bring glory to God. I want to be open to God working through my life and be excited about it, even if it seems to be a negative aspect.

How is God going to use my family and me to bring glory to Him? That's anticipation!

Just looking through all the words listed was an eye opener for me. I anticipate using many of the words throughout the year!:)
Awareness, Trust, Beauty, Loveliness, Consistency, Gratitude, Contentment, Stewardship, Legacy, Relationships, Compassion, Joy, Refocus, Simplicity, Love, Steadfast, Peace, Perseverance, Brokenness, Grace, Tranquility, Hope, Gentleness, Patience, Strength, Commitment, Great, Courage, Deserve, Excellence, More, Gracious, Purposeful, Fellowship, Discipline, Simplify, Self-Control, Enough, Me, Be Still, Cultivate, Emmanuel, Fight, Motivation, Diligence, Intimacy, Gentle, Compassion,
Kindness, Surrender, Priorities, Repentance, Yes, Unity, Brotherly Love, Listen, Boundaries, Restoration, Giving, Flexibility, Time, Investment, Delight, Genuine, Contentment, Studious, Anticipation, Transform.

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