Saturday, April 19, 2008

Norwegian Folk Fair Fun

We went to the Norwegian Folk Fair day at the fairgrounds. It was a small gathering of everything Norwegian! The kids had a lot of fun. They saw Norwegian horses,
dancing, costumes, and folk art. They were able to watch a lady make lefse. Yum! I have been to a Norwegian dinner when I was younger and enjoyed all the traditional foods - even Lutifisk! Of course, I wasn't so fond of lye-soaked fish, but at last I can say I tried it! My dad loves it! My kids were able to see them make Cumkake. (If you are true Norwegian, please pardon my spelling of the Norwegian words... not exactly sure if I'm spelling them right.) The hosts gave each of the kids one. It was yummy! They weren't able to try the lefse, but my mom and I watched closely at how they make it, while my dad got the recipe. We hope to make some in the near future. My grandfather came from Norway, so we have the Norwegian genes. Of course, I'm not sure how Norwegian my kids are, but I'm positive they have some Norwegian in them! They are all blond and blue eyed after all!

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