Saturday, May 7, 2011

What my mother did and does for me that I still do for others...

My mother is a prayer warrior.  No matter where I was as a child, or young adult, I could count on her prayers.  I remember being on a youth group trip to the ocean and nearly drowning. After being in the rip tide for 30 minutes I had no strength left.  I opened my mouth to take a breath of water and join my beloved Jesus, but God had other plans. God performed a major miracle and transported me 500 yards in an instant to our youth group leader who carried me out of the ocean.  It was exactly at that time that my mother knew something was wrong, and was praying for me.  When I got home after the weekend she asked me, what happened at 2:43 p.m. on Saturday?  God knew I needed my mother's prayers.
    When I was at Bible college, I know it was my mother's prayers that helped me get through exams and illness.  When I was a missionary in Israel, my mother set a time to pray for me everyday.  Even today through my children's illnesses and hospitalizations, I know my mom's prayers are with me.  It is a comforting thought to think back over the years and see what God has brought me through.
    I am endeavoring to be a prayer warrior like my mom.  When people share their troubles with me, I might not have all the answers, but I can pray!   I am trying to teach my children to pray for others as well.  God wants us to be in daily communication with Him.  This is not just for dramatic, life threatening things, but the simple everyday things as well.  Finances, Health, Relationships, God is concerned with every aspect of our lives.  Prayer really does change things.