Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Baskin & Robbins ice cream! Yum!

We took a walk over to the local Baskin Robbins ice cream parlor tonite. They had a special of .31 cent ice cream cones. Each of the kids got a double scoop ice cream. I had a double as well, and dh got a triple! All for under $5! That was a fun, cheap family outing. We ran in to two other families that we know there too!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy birthday Jimmers!!!

We had a birthday party for my brother today at the clubhouse. It was fun. We played games all day, enjoyed the sunshine, had great food, and great fellowship! We haven't had a birthday party for my brother for years! We even had a pinate! We filled the cake with candles and the smoke alarm didn't even go off! (tee hee!) I love being able to get together with my family. I'm so blessed that we all live close enough to celebrate special occasions together.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stockpiling food?

A friend sent this article to me. I was pretty surprised. Coming from the Wall Street Journal, I think I might actually take heed. Not to be paranoid, but to be prepared. I have heard that Costco and Walmart are limiting how much rice and flour you can buy. So there must be something to it. I'll post the article here, then I'll go check out Snopes and see what that says. Still, I probably will do something. The Boyscout motto is running in the back of my mind, "Be prepared!".... (Oh well, at least I'll have plenty of mustard!!! lol) Here's the article:

Load Up the Pantry
April 21, 2008 6:47 p.m.

I don't want to alarm anybody, but maybe it's time for Americans to start stockpiling food.

No, this is not a drill.

You've seen the TV footage of food riots in parts of the developing world. Yes, they're a long way away from the U.S. But most foodstuffs operate in a global market. When the cost of wheat soars in Asia, it will do the same here.

Reality: Food prices are already rising here much faster than the returns you are likely to get from keeping your money in a bank or money-market fund. And there are very good reasons to believe prices on the shelves are about to start rising a lot faster.

"Load up the pantry," says Manu Daftary, one of Wall Street's top investors and the manager of the Quaker Strategic Growth mutual fund. "I think prices are going higher. People are too complacent. They think it isn't going to happen here. But I don't know how the food companies can absorb higher costs." (Full disclosure: I am an investor in Quaker Strategic)

Stocking up on food may not replace your long-term investments, but it may make a sensible home for some of your shorter-term cash. Do the math. If you keep your standby cash in a money-market fund you'll be lucky to get a 2.5% interest rate. Even the best one-year certificate of deposit you can find is only going to pay you about 4.1%, according to And those yields are before tax.

Meanwhile the most recent government data shows food inflation for the average American household is now running at 4.5% a year.

And some prices are rising even more quickly. The latest data show cereal prices rising by more than 8% a year. Both flour and rice are up more than 13%. Milk, cheese, bananas and even peanut butter: They're all up by more than 10%. Eggs have rocketed up 30% in a year. Ground beef prices are up 4.8% and chicken by 5.4%.

These are trends that have been in place for some time.

And if you are hoping they will pass, here's the bad news: They may actually accelerate.

The reason? The prices of many underlying raw materials have risen much more quickly still. Wheat prices, for example, have roughly tripled in the past three years.

Sooner or later, the food companies are going to have to pass those costs on. Kraft saw its raw material costs soar by about $1.25 billion last year, squeezing profit margins. The company recently warned that higher prices are here to stay. Last month the chief executive of General Mills, Kendall Powell, made a similar point.

The main reason for rising prices, of course, is the surge in demand from China and India. Hundreds of millions of people are joining the middle class each year, and that means they want to eat more and better food.

A secondary reason has been the growing demand for ethanol as a fuel additive. That's soaking up some of the corn supply.

You can't easily stock up on perishables like eggs or milk. But other products will keep. Among them: Dried pasta, rice, cereals, and cans of everything from tuna fish to fruit and vegetables. The kicker: You should also save money by buying them in bulk.

If this seems a stretch, ponder this: The emerging bull market in agricultural products is following in the footsteps of oil. A few years ago, many Americans hoped $2 gas was a temporary spike. Now it's the rosy memory of a bygone age.

The good news is that it's easier to store Cap'n Crunch or cans of Starkist in your home than it is to store lots of gasoline. Safer, too.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Norwegian Folk Fair Fun

We went to the Norwegian Folk Fair day at the fairgrounds. It was a small gathering of everything Norwegian! The kids had a lot of fun. They saw Norwegian horses,
dancing, costumes, and folk art. They were able to watch a lady make lefse. Yum! I have been to a Norwegian dinner when I was younger and enjoyed all the traditional foods - even Lutifisk! Of course, I wasn't so fond of lye-soaked fish, but at last I can say I tried it! My dad loves it! My kids were able to see them make Cumkake. (If you are true Norwegian, please pardon my spelling of the Norwegian words... not exactly sure if I'm spelling them right.) The hosts gave each of the kids one. It was yummy! They weren't able to try the lefse, but my mom and I watched closely at how they make it, while my dad got the recipe. We hope to make some in the near future. My grandfather came from Norway, so we have the Norwegian genes. Of course, I'm not sure how Norwegian my kids are, but I'm positive they have some Norwegian in them! They are all blond and blue eyed after all!

It's snowing! It's snowing!

This is the middle of April and it's snowing! I can't believe it! It's so pretty! We had to cancel Joshua's orienteering class this morning for Boy Scouts. We're such wimps when it comes to snow! Actually, the class is something he'll need for his First Class rank which is not for quite a while yet. We'll just reschedule for another time closer to when he can actually achieve that rank.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hike at our local Wildlife Center

The cub scouts had a field trip to our local wildlife preservation center. It was very cold. We were able to go in the building and listen to a speaker, then play some games and learn more about the local wildlife. It was fun. The boys went on the mile hike, in the rain and even the hail, and then some sunshine too. However, Christalin was not feeling well, so she and I stayed in the van and rested. It was fun, but I don't like to see my little girl so sick. I felt bad abandoning the other den leader, but the Bears did well on the hike, and Josiah and Joshua helped keep them all in line. Josiah wasn't feeling too great either, but he really wanted to hike with his friends, so he went anyway. When it was all done, we went home and had some warm stew and took a nap!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oh the many hats I wear...

Have you ever felt a bit overwhelmed? I have been feeling that a bit lately. It is probably my fault, but I have a bit on my plate. I was talking with my dh on the way home from worship practice last night. I was listing the many hats I wear:

Homeschool teacher
Children's worship leader
Sunday School teacher
Actor for the Calvary Players
Assistant Den Leader for Cub Scouts
Assistant Baseball Coach
Spanish student
Workout partner
Bible Study participant
Karate student
Field trip coordinator
Small Business Owner
Orla taxi driver
Tax preparer

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. My plate is full! I have prayed about it all, but I don't feel like I should be dropping anything. I really do love all the things I do. Most of my activities my kids do right along with me and it's great! I was just feeling a bit overwhelmed and not too sure if I should have added Karate to our schedule. My wiser-than-his years, teenager pipes up from the back seat, "Mom you need to just focus on one thing at a time. Do that to the best of your ability then go to the next thing. Don't worry about it all at once."

Oh yeah. That's right. One thing at a time. (relaxing sigh.) Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quotes to ponder...

I have another installment of "Quotes to Ponder" for you all. Enjoy!


It is often better not to see an insult than to avenge it.

- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her." - Unknown

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. - Unknown

Do not be afraid to ask dumb questions. They are easier to handle than dumb mistakes.

- Unknown

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.

- Barbara Walters

The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.

- Steve Young

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. - Anonymous

To worry is to allow yourself to imagine a future where God isn't in control. – Anonymous

The man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

- James Crook

There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's no such thing as life in-between.

- Pat Riley, basketball coach

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great.

- Mark Twain, writer and satirist

Four Things To Learn In Life: 1) To think clearly without hurry or confusion 2) To love everybody sincerely 3) To act in everything with the highest motives 4) To trust God unhesitatingly ~Helen Keller

Monday, April 14, 2008

For the love of mustard

My dh Loves the idea of having mustard in the house....
My dh isn't really fond of mustard. However, I was cleaning out the refrigerator and our deep cupboards. Guess how many bottles of mustard I found?

Not 1...

Not 2...

Not 3....

Not 4...

Not 5...

Not 6...

Not 7...

Not 8...

ok ok this might take a while....

I found 16 bottles of mustard!!!!!

I couldn't believe it. Every nook and crany had another bottle of it! If you could live off mustard in an emergency situation, we would live for quite a while!

The funny thing is, none of us is really very fond of mustard! lol!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Break aka Spring Cleaning

We usually never take spring break. We like to get done quicker and have more summer days. However, this year I decided that we would take spring break. With one twist! We're doing spring cleaning. I think by the end of the week the kids will be real happy to crack open the books again! We just needed to go through their drawers and throw out clothes that just don't fit anymore. They didn't have enough room for their clothes, so something had to be done. It's amazing how much had stains or didn't fit. It was good to fling boogie a bunch of stuff. Now their clothes fit in their drawers! What a concept! We did bring a lot of the nicer clothes to a clothing exchange at the park yesterday that our homeschool group put on. It was nice, because one of the mom's just got two foster sons and needed shoes and pants for them. They needed the sizes that we were getting rid of! That was a neat blessing. A God-thing, dontcha think? The exact right sizes?! Too cool. My kids didn't need anymore clothes,(they wouldn't have any room for them!)but I found a couple of sweaters that I could use and a pair of workout pants for my morning workouts. So we felt blessed also. Each of the kids even got a beanie baby to bring home too. Now I'm almost done with the spring cleaning. I think we will actually do a day of school tomorrow. They have some homework they need to get caught up with for their co-op class on Pioneers. Tomorrow is also the first day of baseball! I'll blog about that later! Back to cleaning!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Yay!!! We're debt free!! Finally!!

I'm so excited. When Mike lost his job a couple of years ago, we put some things on credit. With dh working part time since then, the budget has been very tight. I felt like I just kept throwing money at the "monster" but never really getting rid of it. I hate credit. It seems like such a cloud over my head. Today I made a check out to pay off the last two credit cards! We used our tax return to do it. It feels so good! Now all we have left is our mortgage which should be paid off next spring!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What a weekend!

We had such a busy week! We spent the first part of it getting ready for the Science Fair with our local home school group. The kids worked very hard on their projects. Josiah did Bones, Joshua did the Brain, Joseph did Muscles and Christalin did the Lungs. I think they did a great job! Josiah won 3rd place in the 13+ category. The rest of the kids didn't place, but I think they were all winners! Josiah has the gift of gab from his dad. The rest of the kids kind of had stage fright when the judges came through. That's ok, I know they know more than they were able to tell the judges. My nephew Ryan did a great job on The Ape Caves. He actually made some staglamites (hmmm.... how DO you spell that word?) I held them on my lap on the way to the fair. I was so afraid of breaking them before they got there! My dear sister took the kids out for a frosty as a reward for all the hard work. She's so nice! After church today I took my kids to the dollar store to pick out a prize. They had fun choosing a prize. All the kids did a great job at the Science Fair. It's fun to see what others are doing in their homeschool.

The boys had a campout for Boy Scouts on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. They had a great time. The first day stayed dry, but of course it rained the next two days. They had wet feet, but their tents stayed dry. It was very cold though! There was ice on Saturday morning. Since Josiah is not feeling great, and dh had to work, I went with them and brought my tag-a-longs, Joseph and Christalin. DH brought our trailer out for us to stay in. It was dry camping with no electricity or heat. It was really cold. However, I was glad to not be in a tent! Josiah and Joshua put up their own tent and stayed in it. They did great!

This was Joshua's first Boy Scout camp. He got his Tote n chip and his Fire something or other. (How's that for an official Boy Scout term!) We were so tired when we came home we all took a nap!

We are starting our Spring Break tomorrow. I want to do some serious spring cleaning and attack the "Honey do" list. Hopefully we'll be able to put a dent in it!