Children's is such a great place! Even though the boys were in such pain, they had distraction therapy in place. The boys had Rosalie, the Art lady, come in to see them and work them. They were also able to have a gaming system thanks to Starlight foundation. The hours went faster with all the distractions!
Josiah and Joseph had surgery to take out some extra bones. Josiah had three taken out of his shoulder blades, and Joseph had one taken out of each of his legs. We have a bone disease called Multiple Heredity Exostosis. There are extra bone tumors all over, sometimes they are bothersome and have to be taken out. The bone tumors are usually benign, however, my brother's bone tumors just came back cancerous. That kind of ups the stakes as to whether the boy's tumors will be as well. They have been sent to pathology. I have one in my hip that I have been thinking about having removed, as it is very painful, but I don't want to lose the "lift" of my leg. They said they would have to unattach the muscle in order to get to the bone tumor, but they would not be able to reattach it. So I have to decide what would be worse, the pain or no lift to my leg...
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