Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring Break aka Spring Cleaning

We usually never take spring break. We like to get done quicker and have more summer days. However, this year I decided that we would take spring break. With one twist! We're doing spring cleaning. I think by the end of the week the kids will be real happy to crack open the books again! We just needed to go through their drawers and throw out clothes that just don't fit anymore. They didn't have enough room for their clothes, so something had to be done. It's amazing how much had stains or didn't fit. It was good to fling boogie a bunch of stuff. Now their clothes fit in their drawers! What a concept! We did bring a lot of the nicer clothes to a clothing exchange at the park yesterday that our homeschool group put on. It was nice, because one of the mom's just got two foster sons and needed shoes and pants for them. They needed the sizes that we were getting rid of! That was a neat blessing. A God-thing, dontcha think? The exact right sizes?! Too cool. My kids didn't need anymore clothes,(they wouldn't have any room for them!)but I found a couple of sweaters that I could use and a pair of workout pants for my morning workouts. So we felt blessed also. Each of the kids even got a beanie baby to bring home too. Now I'm almost done with the spring cleaning. I think we will actually do a day of school tomorrow. They have some homework they need to get caught up with for their co-op class on Pioneers. Tomorrow is also the first day of baseball! I'll blog about that later! Back to cleaning!

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