Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Praise for protection of my daughter & son!

We serve an awesome God. Last night I had a scary experience. I had Joshua and Christalin washing pans and big bowls in the sink. (think; water everywhere!) I was making spaghetti. I asked the kids to move aside as I had to dump the boiling water for the pasta into the strainer in the sink. I turned around the corner and suddenly slipped on the water on the ground! All I could see was my precious daughters face right in front of where the boiling water would spill!! I cried out to God, and miraculously, regained my footing without spilling a drop of boiling water on my daughter and son, (who hadn't moved away as far as I had anticipated.) I was in tears of thankfulness that they weren't hurt. I just had to share. Thank you Jesus!

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