Monday, November 24, 2008

Abundant Blessings... Abundant Turkeys!


The Lord has such a sense of humor! I was shopping at our Grocery Outlet on Saturday. I was standing over the turkey case, wondering if my sister or my mom was going to do the turkey, or if it would be me. I had forgotten my cell phone at home, so I wasn't sure what to do. I was talking with the Lord, wondering if I should buy one or not.

The Grocery Outlet was having it's anniversary that day. They were playing a bingo game. Every ten minutes they would call out a number. There were numbers taped on the ground throughout the store. I had three of my kids with me and boy, did they have fun! We walked out of the store with THREE turkeys!! Each of the kids won!!

Then on Sunday, Christalin's sunday school teacher told her she had a surprise for her. After class she gave Christalin a turkey!!!

Here I was asking the Lord if I should buy a turkey or not. I guess that answered my question! FOUR turkeys!!!! It's a good thing we have a freezer! The Lord is so good!
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