Steve Lambert, publisher of the Five in a Row curriculum shared this story on the boards. It blessed me so I really wanted to share it with you all. Enjoy!
A woman got up in church about 30 years ago at a midweek service and wanted to give a testimony. Now this woman was NOT emotionally stable for any variety of reasons and I half cringed when she stood up.
Sure enough, she told how last Friday night she and a girl friend had been so broke. They were just sitting in the parking lot of their apartment complex in her car talking and praying. It was past midnight on a hot summer night. Their windows were rolled down and as they prayed they began to pray for a pizza. They asked God to just send them a pizza; like manna from heaven. They poured out their hearts earnestly and how they had absolutely NO money but really wanted a pizza. Suddenly a large, warm, fresh pepperoni pizza in a box came floating in the driver's side window and slid to a stop on the dash.

Oh groan. Come ON!! Just how GULLIBLE do you think we are? A few people applauded nervously. Most just stared at the floor- me included. SO embarrassing!!
About 2 or 3 years later I was talking with a friend. We were comparing notes about ministry, jobs, tentmaking, etc. He mentioned that he had even worked as a pizza delivery driver for a few months several years earlier.
I commented that it must have been a weird job.
He agreed, saying, "I was robbed, beaten, not tipped, etc. I barely covered the cost of gas on some nights. And we got pranked from time to time too. Like one Friday night about 11:30 a guy called in an order for 12 large pizzas to go. He never showed up even though I had to wait till past closing time for him. The boss gave up and finally let us go about 12:15. He gave each of us several pizzas from the bogus order to take home."
He continued... "It was kind of fun though. Do you remember "so-and-so" (insert the woman's name who had given the 'pizza testimony' several years earlier.) At the time she lived in the same apartment complex as I did. I got home about 12:30 and I saw she and a friend sitting in their car talking with the windows rolled down. I thought it would be fun to prank them- and bless them at the same time, so I crept up between the parked cars and then kind of SAILED a large pepperoni in her window like a Frisbie. It went right under her nose and slid to a stop on her dash! So that was kind of fun!"

I responded, "Um.... did she ever see you or know you were there?"
"Nope. I crept up and she was so excited about the pizza she never even bothered to look around and see where it came from and I got away scott free. It was a hoot!!"

Moral: I REPENT GOD! Forgive my UNBELIEF!! I am a cynic and a doubter. Please, please forgive me!!
I've NEVER forgotten that story. Even the most IMPOSSIBLE testimonies are possible with God!!
Steve __________________
Five in a Row