Saturday, February 23, 2008

Testing...testing...testing.... 123

Phew. I have always done an evaluation for my kids in school. By state law we either have to have an evaluation or do testing. As we're starting to prepare for college, I realized that my kids don't really have any testing experience. So this year I decided to do the CAT test with my kids.

They really did well. I will send the testing supplies back to a company and they will grade it and let me know the results. Although I haven't gotten the results yet, I already know a couple of areas where we will have to work. I pretty much knew that before testing, but it helped me come up with some ideas on how to help them. For example, since I haven't done testing before, we really haven't had to do math quickly. On the tests, I could tell the kids knew the concepts, but just weren't able to do it quickly enough. They have never been timed before. That is an area we will work on.

I like testing in February. The testing service I use is not very busy, so I should be able to get results back in a timely manner. I also know what the kids need to work on for the remainder of the year. If I did testing in June, then it would be September before we attacked the needed areas. I think next year I will bump it back so Josiah doesn't have to test on his birthday, but overall I think it was a great experience. I believe I will continue testing in the future years, rather than the evaluations. It seems to work well with our family.

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